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My Home Mirrors My Life

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

Women's traditional roles as caregivers for their families have required them to take care of not only the physical needs of their homes and families but also the emotional needs of their children and spouses. Decades ago, although life was busy and the homemaker’s work was challenging, there were far fewer distractions. There were fewer things to do to take your mind off the homemaker's hard labor. Good time management skills and routine duties helped homemakers stay on track. Some of us may not even know how to be an efficient homemaker. No worries; that is why I started this blog—to provide useful knowledge and insight.

Due to the fast pace of modern life, managing your home well is more important than ever to make sure everything runs smoothly, and goals are met.

Who exactly is a homemaker?

Simply put, a homemaker is someone who creates a dwelling. She is committed in numerous ways to transforming a house into a home. The "work description" of a homemaker would consist of cooking, cleaning, organizing, managing, creating, planning, and decorating. You can add homeschooling, childcare, and many other tasks. Homemaking can be done in addition to a job or business that pays, or it can be a woman's main job if she doesn't work outside the home.

How does this differ from being a stay-at-home mother, wife, or parent?

Homemaking is more concerned with caring for the home than with caring for children. A homemaker can be anyone, but a stay-at-home mother is much more specific: she has children and does not work outside the home.

Yet, a homemaker might work outside the home and is not always a mother. Obviously, many homemakers also identify as stay-at-home mothers, and vice versa. Both "stay-at-home mom, housewife," and home manager are terms with different meanings!

We have now defined the role of the homemaker. You may need guidance in learning how to efficiently manage your home, whether this is your first time in this role or not. Perhaps you're bored with your days and could use some structure. There will be occasions when you experience both ups and downs; this is normal.

Three Pillars of Effective Home Management

There are, in my perspective, three pillars to effective home management. Nurturing, housekeeping, and prioritizing self-care This process involves spirituality, emotions, intelligence, and physical ability, among others.

Nurturing others means making sure those you live with are secure, comfortable, and content. To care for those whom God has entrusted to her is the responsibility of a godly woman. In the family, she essentially fills the role of a doctor. Taking care of her family as best she can.

When I talk about housekeeping, I am referring to the habits that we, as women, develop on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Tasks include housework, running errands, making plans, and anything else that needs doing. Whatever helps get the household organized and working smoothly is a good thing.

A typical career woman has little or no interest in home management. She sees this aspect of being a woman more as a threat to her growth, but this is not true. Every woman is first a homemaker before all else. Ignore this advice: "You can’t have it all." In your role as homemaker, maintaining your own mental health is essential. Take the time to establish achievable goals, then reward yourself for doing so. Establishing objectives and practicing self-discipline may work wonders for your disposition. If you already have a strategy for managing your time and you enjoy using a planner, that's fantastic! You are currently in the lead.

Now you understand it is possible to be an effective homemaker as a career woman. Homemaking may be a source of self-confidence if you approach it with a professional mindset. There are tasks and skills that can be learned, and if you distinguish between the homemaker’s role and the parenting role, the more competence you acquire, the more control you'll have over your life. Knowing your role and how to adopt the appropriate mental attitude can make all the difference.

If you learned something new today or if you are struggling to juggle any of the 3 pillars, please leave a comment below and let me know how I may better serve you.

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